Navhind times vacancies jobs from home

For more post-wise education qualification details please go to the official notification Age Limit Candidates age limit should be Maximum 50 years. Age Relaxation: – SC/ ST /OBC/PWD/ PH...

Adaptability 11. Tell me about a time you were under a lot of pressure. What was going on, and how did you get through it? 12. Describe a time when your facility was undergoing so...

"I want to understand how somebody thinks about a very new problem in a difficult situation, and how they respond to that under pressure, " says Scott Cutler, the CEO of online marketplace StockX. Questions like...

We welcome scholars whose research focuses on organizations (firms, public entities, non-profits), market institutions, and other topics of particular interest to business schools. Applicants for an assistant professor l...

So be just that 2. Why are you applying for this job? In answering this question, balance your personal reasons and a reason as to why the company would benefit from you being there. 3. Why should we hire you? This turns out to b...